
CKEditor 5 Media Management and Linking for Drupal 7

The entity selection step of the Entity Embed CKEditor 5 modal dialog form.

Nickel City Creative now offers full CKEditor 5 Media Management and Linking for Drupal 7 support. Extended support clients have access to a suite of media management and linking projects with advanced CKEditor 5 for Drupal 7 integration powered by Media, Entity Embed and Linkit.


CKEditor 5 Plugin Pack for Drupal 7

Nickel City Creative now offers full CKEditor 5 Plugin Pack support for Drupal 7. Extended support clients have access to the latest version of the plugin pack with advanced Drupal 7 integration.

The CKEditor 5 Plugin Pack is an official set of free plugins, maintained by CKSource, adding to and extending the functionality of CKEditor 5 for Drupal.


Upgrading your Drupal 7 website to CKEditor 5

With CKEditor 4 reaching end of life on June 30, 2023 and the last published release having a number of known security vulnerabilities now is an excellent time to consider upgrading your Drupal 7 website to CKEditor 5.

Upgrading to CKEditor 5 will ensure that your site continues to remain secure into the future while providing content authors with a modern, fully featured, rich text editor.


New module release — Simple Table of Contents

I just released a new module for Drupal 7.x. Titled Simple Table of Contents, the module provides an easy and automatic way to add a table of contents to all of your content.

Why a new module?

There are a few other table of contents modules for Drupal, namely TableOfContents and TOC Filter. Unfortunately, besides being relatively unstable in the case of TableOfContents, there are a number of downsides to both modules, at least in certain use cases:


Configuring Drupal to use a proxy server when making external HTTP requests

Diagram of two computers communicating through a central proxy server.

The upcoming release of Drupal 7.17 adds proxy server support to drupal_http_request. This allows drupal to route all external HTTP requests, made with the drupal_http_request function, through a proxy server.


With the addition of proxy server support, core modules such as Aggregator, OpenID and Update and contrib modules such as Browscap, Media and Twitter Block can now function properly inside of a restricted environment, such as a corporate network, when configured to use an appropriate proxy.


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